3 John 1-8

I would like to have known Gaius whom John was writing to.  He was a dear Christian, but he seemed to have some health issues. Some fellow believers came there and told John how he lived and walked in truth.  Evidently he must have been one of John’s converts to Christ. One of the characteristics about Gaius seems to be the word faithful.  A faithful man is someone who could be depended upon.  If everyone failed Gaius was there.  When he encountered strangers he treated them as friends.  There were men who traveled about preaching the word of God.  They did it for the interesting phrase, “for His name sake.”  This phrase is found in Psalm 23. “He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.”  Why am I living in this world?  It is for His name’s sake.  They weren’t interested in money or fame.  As Gaius received these he became a fellow worker with them for the truth.  This little capsule of verses is great for you and I as to promote the people who preach Christ who is personified “Truth” according to John 14:6.
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