Luke 24:28-40

What would your reaction be to know that the one you were walking with turned out to be the risen Christ?  In the last verses of this passage, we find Jesus telling them all the Old Testament prophesies about Himself.  My question to the reader is:  How much of the Old Testament scriptures do you know which point to Jesus?  In the rest of our verses for today, we find these men invite Jesus into their home.  Has Jesus been invited into your home?  He then reveals who He is and then vanishes from their sight.  They talk with each other saying, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He opened to us the Scriptures?”  We also need a heart that burns with passion as we read the Bible and think of Jesus.  We have too little of that.  Remember what they said to Jesus in verse 29.  It is too late for you to travel on.  Now when they knew it was the resurrected Christ they took off and headed back to town to tell the rest of their friends the good news!  Somehow after the long walk home and discovering their guest was the risen Christ, they were now energized in their spirit to make that trip back into town to tell everyone they knew that they had just been with Jesus!   Is the resurrected Christ important enough to us to want to tell it everywhere?

If you had been there, how would you feel?  The One you thought was dead is now alive!  The evidence is there because of the prints of the nails in His hands and feet.  Fanny Crosby in her song says:  I will know Him by the nail prints in His hands.   How will we react when we see Jesus?  Is He the One who we long for even now?  I hope we are not living for the world and all its frills.  There is another song, “He is Everything to Me.”  That should be our song. 

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