Romans 12:1-8

What I find interesting is that phrase “by the mercies of God.”  Then we have the will and power to present our bodies as a living sacrifice.  In chapter 6 before we knew Christ we presented ourselves to sin.  We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice.  The New Testament is full of things like this.  It is a sacrifice if we would rather do something else with our bodies.
Then we are not to be conformed to this world.  It sometimes seems fashionable for Christians to do things of pleasure in this world than to live for and preach Christ.  I have gone to the prison on Friday nights when I’ve had invitations to go to a celebration or something else.
The rest of these verses speak of gifts.  God’s gifts are for use to God’s people and also to the world.  Not one of God’s people is without at least one.  Have you found out what your gift is or are you bothered.  I don’t label mine. I just use what I think God has given me to do.

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