Acts 12:1-11

I am grateful for modern day America where as yet, no one has the right to put Christians to death.  This is not the case in many countries around the world today.  This man Herod was an evil man who had already put James the brother of John to death.  I find this interesting because these two brothers came to Jesus right after He told them about His own death and they wanted the chief place in the Kingdom.  Jesus point blank asks them, “Are you able to drink of my cup and be baptized with my baptism (death)?  They replied that they were able.  Evidently James was the first one with that baptism.  The apostles who argued about a place in the kingdom, except for John, all met with the same fate.  They all died a violent death for the cause of Christ.

Now Peter is caught too with Herod determined to put him to death.  Peter did not need to be 
worried because Jesus had told him how he would die.  Jesus had used the term, when you are “old” and Peter was not that old at this moment in time. Peter was fast asleep when the Angels came and tapped him and said “arise up quickly” and then his chains fell off.  peter must have thought he was dreaming when the angel said follow me.  Finally Peter realizes that this is not a dream and went into the city.  The text reads, he came to himself.

We sing “It is no secret what God can do.”  We have notable Christians in prison in this world right now.  One is in North Korea, another in Iran and another in Sudan.  Can God still do the same today?  Absolutely!  I pray that God will step in and intervene on their behalf.  However, James was allowed to be killed, while Peter was released and allowed to live.  We must learn to trust God’s sovereignty either way.  
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