Amos 4:13

The verse of this chapter speaks of devastation coming from the land of God.  He is the very God that created them.  God talks to them through Amos of famine. He uses the term,”cleanness of teeth” which I feel means  they are not having enough to eat.
In the last verse God is described as forming the mountains, creating the wind and treading on the high places of the earth.  He is the God of hosts.
When I think of everything in this chapter I don’t want to be on His wrong side.  As a people of the United States of America just where are we.  I don’t want to make a total description of our nations sins.  I know where I once was.  I also know where I am now.
Ephesians 5:8 says that once we were that part of the darkenss, but now we are light.  However, we are now to walk as children of light.  My question is what do the people of this dark world see in us?  Do they see enough to be saved?
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