Deuteronomy 29:1-13

In this passage we find Moses calling the Israelites together to renew and review the covenant with them.  Moses reminds them of what they have seen with their eyes and heard with their ears.  Oh that these things reach into their hearts.  Perhaps some of these should reach into our saved hearts too.

The people are now reminded of God’s faithful provision for them even in the wilderness.  For forty years they wandered in the wilderness and neither their clothes nor shoes wore out.  Now that’s an amazing miracle!  When I look at how God has preserved me in the 58 years since I first met Him, I marvel.  I know He will carry me and my own until He takes me home to heaven.  

Next God fought their battles and they won them.  God doesn’t lose.  In Him we have victory.  I have seen victories too.  We must not give in to the enemy, nor can we claim victory on our own.  Lastly they were to keep the covenant with God.  Nothing else matters that much.  We need to be keepers of our covenant too.

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