Deuteronomy 8:11-20

God warns the children of Israel not to forget the LORD their God and to not forget his miraculous works for them.  They were to be blessed in the land and if they forgot Him, they would praise themselves and worship other gods.  God promises consequences/discipline of His children for this sin.

Obeying the Lord’s commands helps us to:
1.)  Remember Him and what He has done.
Which causes us to…
2.)  Remain humble and thankful.
Which compels us to…
3.)  Serve Him alone.
Which spares us from…
4.)  Discipline from our loving Father.
Remember, discipline is a good thing!  It brings us back to where we need to be.  Hebrews 12:6 and Proverbs 3:12 remind us that the Father loves those whom He chastens.  But…I would much rather obey the first time!
If we took the opposite approach and chose to disobey the commands of the Lord we would:
1.)  Forget Him and what He has done (Not acknowledging the Lord in our daily decisions is “forgetting” Him).
Which would cause us to…
2.)  Become prideful and unsatisfied.
Which would compel us to…
3.)  Seek and serve our own self interest (Which often resulted in setting up false gods which give people what they want).
Which, for the child of God, and by the grace of God, would necessitate…
4.)  Loving, restoring discipline.
Let’s remember the Lord, be humble and thankful before Him, and serve Him alone!
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