Fear The Lord! – Revelation 9:1-21

To fear the Lord is to have a proper view of who He is and of his rightful place that motivates us to please Him.  We should seek to please God because we do not want His judgment. We should want to please Him because we want His blessing.  We should desire most of all to please Him because we value and cherish His fellowship and relationship above all other.

The wicked man is noted that there is no fear of God in his life.  No desire to please God.  No respect for God’s rightful place in life.  During the Tribulation period there will be distinct lines drawn.  Most who fear God will die for their faith. Those who do not fear God will refuse to do so even under extreme judgment.

Now is the time to fear the Lord!  Now is the time to give the Lord the glory due unto His name!  I am resolved to please God more than any thing else today!

Walk with the Lord and fear the Lord!!!

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