Follow Your Calling! – Romans 1:1-7

Paul shares several things about himself and his ministry in the introduction part of Romans. 

1.  Calling – Paul was called as a saint and as an apostle.
2.  Concern – Paul was concerned with sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
3.  Companions – Others who have been called as saints.

As a servant or “bondslave”, Paul was compelled by love to accomplish the will of his master.  He was given the ability (grace) and the authority (apostleship) and the aim (sharing the gospel among all nations) according to verse 5.  We also have been called as saints.  We are to be “set apart ones” in Danville.  We are set apart in:

1.  Passion – We love and value the one, true God and His Son, Jesus Christ!
2.  Practice – Our lives should be noticeably different as we show the fruit of the Spirit!
3.  Purpose – Our goal is to influence as many others as we can with the Gospel!

Walk  with the Lord and follow your calling!!!

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