Galatians 5:7-15

This is my birthday wish.  When this gets published on our website I will be 81 years old.  I started on the path of faith sometime in May 1956.  I began preaching in England sometime after Easter in 1957.  Why am I saying this?  Because of the first verse which says, “You did run well.”  Then for the Galatians, Paul asks, “Who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth?”  Satan is always trying to put things in our way to get us off the proper path.  When this happens others near us will be affected too.  I was writing like there were no more verses for this blog.  Paul was writing this because of the people we call Judaisers, who came there to try and push the Gentile Christians into following the law by being circumcised as part of their obedience to God for salvation.  Even today there are some who preach other things like baptism as a necessity to be saved.  Salvation is through grace alone, by faith alone in Christ alone.  However I don’t like the term faith plus nothing.  Ephesians 2:10 says we are His workmanship. 

I want to reserve this last space for verse 13, “Brethren, we have been called to liberty.”  Only don’t use that liberty as an opportunity to sin.  When we sing the words from My Country Tis of Thee, “Sweet land of liberty” ask yourselves what do we see now, drunkenness, (I was once there too), gay marriage, abortion to the point of not just killing babies but harvesting their body parts for profit!  Probably everything that is on the next list called the works of the flesh, are not being called good.  Christians do not use liberty as an occasion of the flesh. 

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