I Corinthians 10:23-33

In these verses, Paul is dealing with things that are questionable among certain believers in Christ.  Corinth was well known for its temples being dedicated to idols of the pagan gods they served.  People in the Corinthian culture thought nothing of bringing an animal to the temple and offering it as a sacrifice and then cutting the meat up and selling it in the market place.  It just so happened that some Christians were taking it upon themselves to accuse their fellow brother or sister in Christ of eating meat being offered to idols. This was causing some confusion among the believers.  Paul deals with this issue.  He addresses their liberty in Christ, but then goes a step further and tells them if it is made known at the meal where the meat had been purchased, it would be far better to abstain in order not to cause a weaker brother to stumble.  This is placing the needs of others above our own and honoring the conscience of a younger believer who maybe weak in his faith.

In our culture today we don’t have the issue of meat being offered to idols but yet we do have similar issues which can cause confusion and an offense.  There are certain practices that some Christians do not have an issue with, while others do.  The main question is, “Am I willing to lay down my Christian liberty in order not to offend a weaker brother or sister in Christ?”  This is showing genuine agape love towards our fellow Christians so as to put their needs above our own and create peace for those who are not strong in their faith.  The verse, “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” is the key to a good solid testimony in the Christian life. 
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