Isaiah 8:5-18

To refuse the waters of Shiloh is to refuse what God graciously gives to us instead indulge in the waters of this troubled world.  For some of these thoughts I refer back to I Samuel chapter 1.  There was a very self indulgent priest named Eli.  He had two wicked sons who seemed to be running the show.  He had no control.
Then as we go down to verse 13 it is said, “Sanctify the LORD of hosts Himself and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread.”  We have Christians in many trouble spots in our world today.  Some of them are refugees from a war torn world.  What are they to do?  I am sure their only hope is to look to God alone.  I am fortunate do live in a peaceful setting but I don’t know how long.
There is another phrase in verse 18 that I know is typical of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is repeated as a prophetic statement in Hebrews 2:13 of Christ and His own people of which we are those children.
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