Mark 5:1-10

The man in our story today was in a bad state of affairs.  He lived among the tombs and no one could do anything with him.  That is until Jesus came that way.  Notice when Jesus came that way he ran and worshipped Him.  He knew there was something different about Jesus. I do think because of the demons in him he knew who Jesus really was.  In fact he (or the demons) called Him Son of the Most High God.  I find it fascinating that this man knew what the Pharisees and religious men of the day refused to believe. 
Another thing I find fascinating is that this man was very conscious of his need.  That is something the religious people did not do.  He came to Jesus.  He got what he needed.  The rest of the story about the herd of pigs and his preaching in the ten city area of Decapolis is not in my verses for today.  I identify with this man because I was also in a very deplorable condition before I met Jesus.
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