John 10:14-21 – The Mission of the Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd shares his mission in today’s passage.

– He is going to bring his sheep together, both from the Jewish people and from the Gentiles.  These different sheep are to be brought into one fold, the Church.
– He is going to willingly lay down his life.  Jesus was not murdered against his will.  Jesus willingly gave his life for us.  If he had not wanted to die, he certainly could have stopped the crucifixion.  It was within his power to do so.  But he demonstrated his love for us…and the Father loved him for his willingness to sacrifice himself for sinful man.
– He is going to take his life back (He is going to rise from the dead).  Jesus told the people there that he had authority to rise and that he would.
Some responded to this declaration by calling Jesus demon possessed and insane.  Others, questioned how a man who has a demon could heal a blind man.  
Of course, all of these missions have or are being accomplished.  The Good Shepherd did die for his sheep…and he is alive today.  His sheep are hearing his voice and daily entering the sheepfold.  Praise the Lord for his willing sacrifice!
Our Good Shepherd wants to gather his sheep and wants to shepherd/lead them.  Will you follow him today?
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