Know – Grow – Show! – 1Peter 2:1-10

This passage fills in the remaining main points in the outline for the book.

I.     Know – 1 Peter 1:18,19 – Know the assurances of  your salvation.
II.    Grow – 1 Peter 2:2 – Grow in maturity as a believer.
III.   Show – 1 Peter 2:9 – Show to others the awesome greatness and grace of God.

As newborn babies desire milk we are to desire the Word of God and as newborns adapt to a new method of nourishment we are to change our way of thinking through the Word to have the mind of Christ.  The intake and submission to the Word brings about the maturing process of looking at and responding to life in a different way than before salvation.  This manner of living is summarized in the term “meekness”.  Meekness is yielding my rights to God.  Through meekness we declare and demonstrate the Gospel to others!

What is my intake of the Word today?  What is my attitude toward what I have received?  Am I resting in the assurances that God is a “righteous judge” concerning the things that He allows in my life?  Have I yielded my rights to God?

Walk with the Lord and Know, Grow and Show!!!

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