Mark 9:42-50

 Jesus begins our series of verses today with talk about children.  However it could also be typical of newly saved adults which we would call babes in Christ.  I don’t want to give offense to either of them. However when I look over the world today, I see how many children are mistreated and mislead today.  there is a lot to be said about this.  I look at video games meant for children that I could call putrid and evil.
Jesus said children that believe in me. It is easy to bring a child to believe in Jesus. Jesus now brings a sentence on the offenders saying it would be better that a millstone be hanged about his neck and he were drowned in the midst of the sea.  We couldn’t manufacture enough milestones for todays offenders.
I am leaving a little room for an offense of body parts.  I suppose Jesus didn’t actually mean to cut off our hands and feet etc., but He did mean self control.  We who know Him as Savior can control ourselves.
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