My Hope Is In The Lord! – Psalm 130:1 – 131:3

The writer expresses how hope is found only through God and shares how to have God’s hope.

1.  Surrender for salvation – “LORD” v. 1 – Jehovah is the self existing holy one who hates sin but loves sinners and initiates saving grace to all.  To have hope I must receive his forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Christ.

2.  Submission for service – “Lord” v. 2 – Adonai is the overseer worthy of absolute obedience who makes every provision for obedience and always rewards obedience.  To have hope I must yield myself as a living sacrifice to accomplish His will.

3.  Sharing in soulwinniing – “Let Israel hope” v. 7 – The writer urges others to look to God for hope.  Witnessing affirms my hope while at the same time sharing it with others.

Hope in the Bible is not wishful thinking but absolute assurance.  Most people live life on wishful thinking, but God gives promises that cannot fail which give me absolute assurances for my life on earth and for all eternity!

Walk with the Lord and hope in Him!!!  

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