Our Glorious God! – Ezekiel 1:1-14

Ezekiel is called by God through a marvelous, mysterious vision.  The opening chapter of this book tells us several things about our glorious God.

1.  Our glorious God is present – Even though the Jews were captive in Babylon God had not forsaken them.
2.  Our glorious God is personal – God spoke directly to Ezekiel with an individual manifestation.
3.  Our glorious God is pure – The emphasis on fire and light shows God’s holiness – set apart with no impurity.

No matter where I am as a child of God, God is with me.  He has promised to never leave me or forsake me.  God knows about me personally and He has a will for me in fulfilling His purposes.  God is holy – set apart from all others.  He calls me to pure devotion to Him and a life of holiness as I fulfill His will.

Walk with the Lord our glorious God!!!

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