Revelation 21:9-27 – What a City!

Here are some amazing things about the New Jerusalem and the New Earth that we can learn from today’s passage:
1. This city will be 1,380 approximately in cube form.  That means each wall will be that long AND that high.  This is about the distance from New York City to Wichita, KS, or the distance from present day Jerusalem into the middle of Afghanistan…in every direction, including up.  There will be plenty of room for everyone right?
2.  I believe the New Earth will be huge!  John was taken to a mountain to see the New Jerusalem coming down.  We know this must be a mountain on the New Earth because all the mountains of this world will be flattened during the tribulation period.  When John sees the New Jerusalem coming down, he sees the whole thing!  How far away would you have to be to see the whole thing?  And…how large a land mass area would there need to be to put this building?
3.  There will be places to live outside of the New Jerusalem.  While it certainly will be the center of the world and a place where everyone wants to go and be, this text says that the kings of the earth will bring glory to it and the nations will walk by its light.  Imagine how much beauty there will be all over this New Earth that we do not know about yet!
4.  The glory of God and of Jesus Christ will light the world.  No need for sunlight or moonlight anymore…
5.  The gates will not be “pearly.”  We sing about pearly gates, but these gates won’t just be pearly, they will be pearls.  Imagine a pearl big enough to cut a gate for this city!  Those will be giant pearls…

Did you see any other awe inspiring facts about the New Earth and New Jerusalem?  Are you excited to get there?
Let’s live today with that day in view.  Let’s serve our King and Lord with eager anticipation of the coming eternal kingdom.

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