Strengthen Your Faith! – Job 13:1-18

Job is responding to Zophar and tells him that he understands that God judges sin.  Job also states that God alone is the source of satisfaction.  Job wants an audience with God to “argue” his case.  Like Habakkuk, Job is learning that “the just shall live by faith”.  Faith is not a means to the goal it is the goal!  Faith pleases God so He puts us in situations to demonstrate our faith in Him!

1.  Faith Defined – Faith is believing and obeying God regardless of the circumstances or the consequences.
2.  Faith Demanded – Without faith it is impossible to please God.
3.  Faith Developed – Like a muscle, faith is developed when it receives the right nutrients of the Word of God and then is exercised in various life situations.

Job was asked to apply faith during a time of suffering and loss.  How am I being asked to live by faith today?  Spend time today in God’s Word to learn more about His person and promises!

Walk with the Lord and strengthen your faith!!!

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