The Comfort Of Christ! – John 11:14-29

The Scripture says that God is “the God of all comfort”.  Jesus became comfort personified.  When Jesus was preparing to leave earth, He stated that God would send “another Comforter” which is the Holy Spirit. In this passage we learn of the comfort of Christ.

1.  Jesus Knows – Jesus knew that Lazarus was dead before anyone told Him. Jesus knows all my cares and concerns.
2.  Jesus Goes – Jesus went in spite of danger to be with the family.  Jesus is with me in my distress.
3.  Jesus Shows –  Jesus shows compassion and care by listening, instructing, encouraging. Jesus does the same for me.

Jesus lives in me in the person of theHis Spirit.  Receive the comfort of Christ today!  Rest in the comfort of Christ today!  Recycle (share) the comfort of Christ today!

Walk with the Lord and know the comfort of Christ!!!

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